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  • Normaler Preis $305.72
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This unique brick-like VHF transmitter aims to solve a very common problem involved with tracking different species of Turtles, that is, the method in which these transmitters are traditionally attached. Bolt-on or Glue-on transmitters using heavy duty epoxies every time a new transmitter is attached can be very stressful for the animal and can also damage the carapace and bone underneath, TinyTx aims to solve the issue of repetitive use of bolts and heavy-duty epoxies by introducing a first-of-its-kind  telemetry transmitter which is modeled after the most common LEGO brick (part ID # 3021, 2×3 Plate) the Brick transmitter attaches to a plastic base LEGO brick which only needs to be epoxied to the carapace a single time, after which, several transmitters can be snapped in place for the next study period as simply as one would when snapping two LEGO bricks together.

Please note, for the lightest variant of this transmitter, you will need to select the "solder external wires" model, this activation method does not require an internal reed switch for your transmitter to operate, doing so saves you precious weight for studies involving extremely small species. 

Technical Specifications

Classification VHF Radio Transmitter (150.000 - 151.000 MHz)
Transmitter Type Crystal Controlled 3-Stage
Pulse Rate/Minute 45/25 PPM
Pulse Width 15ms 
Operating time(D) 50 OR 90 Days
Battery(V) 389 1.5v Silver Oxide Button Cell
Battery Capacity 80mAh
Typical Mass(G) 3.3g
Operating Temp(C) -20ºC to +40ºC
Antenna "Super-Flex" whip
Activation By soldering OR removing external magnet (slight weight added)
Encapsulation Water-proof. Electrical Resin + Black Rubber coating (upon request)

If you require custom shaped transmitters or custom potting/encapsulation apart from the standard shapes/sizes/finishes we offer, a custom transmitter can also be made upon request with rapid turnaround.

Just like traditional VHF telemetry & Tracking Transmitters, this transmitter emits a steady radio pulse for the entirety of it's lifespan, VHF tracking transmitters can be picked up by receivers from extremely far distances using VHF receivers you may already be using in the field, for even greater RF output and signal strength, 3v models will always out-perform the 1.5v variants (the trade-off is size and mass). Specific frequencies are noted on your purchased transmitter or provided with your order.